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Downloading the Patterns

Choosing the Format - A4 or Letter? A4 is the International paper size and if you live outside the United States of America then A4 is probably the paper you use. If you live in the USA, you will probably have Letter sizes paper. If you are not sure, please measure your paper before you print:

A4 = 8.27" x 11.69", 210mm x 297mm

Letter = 8.5" x 11", 215.9mm x 279.4mm

All my patterns are in PDF format and they open in all browsers. You can Print straight from the browser or Save to your computer to print later. Adobe's Free PDF Reader can be downloaded here if you need it:

Printing the Patterns

Don't choose the 'Borderless' option. There will always be a little white space at the edges of the paper and I make every effort to make sure important detail is not lost at the join. See Printing Patterns to Scale and Taping Up and Cutting Out the Pattern below -

Members rarely encounter problems with printing the patterns, considering there are so many different printers and operating systems. If you encounter problems, just email me with information about your printer, browser and operating system. I guarantee to sort it out.

Printing Patterns to Scale

Printing to scale is about the most important consideration. The grid must true 1"x1" across a page. Don't just measure one square - you need to measure across 10 or so squares.

You must set your printer scale to 100% or 'Actual Size'. Some printers do misbehave. Look for options like 'Format For' in 'Page Setup' - sometimes pages don't scale properly if set to 'Any Printer' - make sure it is set to your model of printer.

Also, don't use the 'Borderless' print option - just the standard paper size A4 or Letter.

If you have the option, set your printer to Fast Print or Low Quality. It's Fast and Economical.

Taping Up and Cutting Out the Pattern

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: You do not need to overlap when pasting up my patterns just butt them together edge to edge. There will always be a little white space at the edges of the paper and I make every effort to make sure important detail is not lost at the join. Complete lines of darts for example in pencil, if you need more clarity. Always make sure the 1" grid is true across your pattern piece. If it is not, you have taped the pattern incorrectly.

I have developed the best method for delivering on-line patterns. They are easy to tape together, economical with paper and each size is printed separately - no horrid multi pattern printouts.

Where are the Cutting Out Layouts?


When I started creating my patterns for, I decided not specify yardage or provide cutting out layouts. My patterns differ from most commercial patterns as I like to think sewers prefer to make design decisions and have more control. There are so many variations to consider - hem length will vary massively - you may want to use more than one fabric or use up remnants. Then of course fabric comes in many widths and I have nine sizes. The price reflects the fact that for this particular pattern, cutting out layouts are not yet included.

You will though find that all later patterns have just about all the features that any of the commercial patterns supply. I have listened to sewers and have developed my patterns in response to feedback.

If you are working on a pattern that does not specify fabric requirements, print and layout your pattern and measure what you need or take the main pieces to the fabric shop and the assistant will help you.

*** UPDATE **

Patterns from now on will have cutting out layouts and yardage suggestions. I will update earlier patterns with yardage and layouts at some point - Check out Designer Notebook for progress


Check the Alteration Page

How to Use the Size Chart

Generally go by your bust size. You can download two sizes and blend them together if you have differing proportions.

All My Sewing Tutorials are Free

View them on here on my site or on YouTube - AngelaKaneTV

Pattern Drafting

Visit my Pattern Drafting Page for a complete tutorial - Pattern Cutting

Members can download a basic block/sloper in sizes 6-22.




Where to Buy Fabric

Everyone asks me about fabrics and most tell me it is a problem. I find my fabrics locally most of the time. I'm lucky to have a John Lewis Department Store close by and also a bargain fabric shop - Fabric Land. I usually buy fabric I like when I see it and then think about what to make, rather than the other way around!

If I want something specialised and for equipment I go to

Check out my Supplies Page

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